Chinese Kung Fu Tour in Shaolin Temple

Immortal Bruce Lee, Incredible Jacky Chan and Jet Li, the symbols of Chinese Kung Fu in the west. Want to expertise initially hand the actual life art of Kungfu through your own eyes! Turn the fantasy of Hollywood movies into the genuine journey to your Chinese Kung Fu Tour and be the master of Chinese Kung Fu!

Chinese Kung Fu is a precious treasure that belongs not only to China but to the entire world. We will take you to the cradle of Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu - the Shaolin Temple to appreciate wealthy humanities sight, antiquated natural sight, enormous Shaolin Buddhist sculptures and a Wushu Culture, as properly as an elegant & rare geological natural wonder. You will see power and grace combined in a demonstration of the art of Shaolin Kung fu by a Shaolin Master. Be transported to the mysterious world of this ancient art to knowledge for oneself what has inspired the superb action heroes of today's movie blockbusters.

Shaolin Temple is located in the foothills of the Song Shan mountain range just fifteen minutes outside the town of Dengfeng, which is about two hours away from Zhengzhou, the provincial capital of Henan. Buses run from Zhengzhou and Luoyang, one more bigger Henan city, to Dengfeng. Alternatively, if you are staying in Zhengzhou or Luoyang, you can arrange a day tour from your hotel.

Most Westerners know Shaolin from martial arts movies - Shaolin Kung Fu was born here. In modern day instances, Chinese Kung-fu was initially introduced abroad to the United States by Chinese-American Kung-fu master Bruce Lee, whose agile movements in a series of his good movies swept American audiences off their feet. Thanks to the giant influence of the American movie business, it soon swept across the world. The entire globe was enchanted by the magic act, starting the upsurge of interest in Chinese Kung-fu. From then on, Chinese Kung-fu learners can be found everywhere. Now, Lees followers, Jacky Chan (Cheng Lengthy) and Jet Lee (Li Lianjie) carry the baton pushing themselves to novel heights.

But it is much more well-known in Asia as the birthplace of the Zen Buddhism movement. Visitors come to Shaolin to study Kung Fu, meditate in the ancient surroundings or to take pleasure in an ancient historical place that is by all means, off the beaten path. For whatever cause you come, Shaolin Temple is worth a pay a visit to.

Shaolin Temple complex can be thought of as 3 important sights within the compound. You will enter via a primary gateway exactly where the tour buses park and you can obtain your entry tickets. This region has been refurbished to support hoards of tourists - there is a substantial plaza flanked by souvenir vendors on each sides.

Kung Fu Efficiency Hall: Immediately after you enter the complicated, you will walk ten minutes or so to the Kung Fu performance hall. If you can manage getting there early in the morning, you will see students of all ages practicing outside in the grassy fields next to the walkway. Kung Fu is well-known for its vigorous, powerful, effortless, unadorned, and unpredictable style. Its moves and tricks are brief, uncomplicated and succinct as well as versatile. Although fighting, the masters would advance and retreat simultaneously. They have to have only a little space to execute their style of fistfight described as "fighting along a single straight line. It's amazing!

Shaolin Temple: After the performance, you can take electric cars or walk yet another fifteen to twenty minutes to the temple itself. Shaolin Temple is set upon the mountainside. You will enter at the bottom and make your way up via the a number of halls to the leading. The initial hall you will encounter is Devajara Hall (Hall of the Heavenly Kings). It is characterized by double eaves flanked behind by a Bell Tower (this tower holds a amazing bronze bell) and a Drum Tower (this tower holds an artistic drum). The hall gates are guarded by two colored clay figures of Vajras. Inside the hall are statues of the four Heavenly Kings, every single standing divinely while holding his distinctive weapon. Then you come to the main hall of the temple, Mahavira Hall (Daxiongbaodian). The original was built in the Jin Dynasty but destroyed in 1928. The present structure was restored from the original in 1986. Enshrined in the middle of the hall are the statues of the Trinity Buddha - Sakyamuni, Amitabha (Emitofo) and Bhaisajyaguru (Yaoshifo, God of Medicine). Flanking the Trinity on each sides are eighteen Arhats. Go on and you will see the Sutra-Keeping Pavilion where Buddhist dignitaries lectured. A total of 5480 Buddhist sutras and rubbings are kept in the pavilion and the Hall of Abbot (Fangzhang Hall). This small hall is the rest place for the abbots.

The Pagoda Forest: A different half-kilometer walk via a wooded path will bring you to the Pagoda Forest where there are almost 250 stone and brick pagodas ranging from the Tang, Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties (618-1911).

You can come here to study Kung Fu, meditate in the ancient surroundings or to take pleasure in an ancient historical place that is by all means, off the beaten path. For whatever cause you come, Shaolin Temple is worth a go to.

Day 1: Luoyang arrival
Nowadays you will arrive in Luoyang. In the afternoon, you will visit the White Horse Temple. Situated 12km east to the ancient capital city of Luoyang, facing the Luo River in the south and sitting back to the Mang Hill in the north, is the White Horse Temple, the initial Buddhist monastery in China.

Day two: Luoyang - Dengfeng
Travel to the birthplace of Chinese Kung Fu at Shaolin Temple by bus in this morning. You will stay at the local hotel for 3 days' Chinese Kung Fu study. Shaolin Temple is likely the most well-known temple in China, not only due to the fact of its long history and its role in Chinese Buddhism, Shaolin Temple Pagoda but also simply because of its martial arts or Wushu Chan.

Day 3-five: Dengfeng
You will get the great chance to take standard Chinese Kung Fu courses conducted by the experienced nearby Kung Fu masters.

Day 6: Dengfeng - Luoyang
Transfer back to Luoyang, you will pay a visit to the Longmen Caves and Guanlin. Together with Mogao Caves, Yungang Caves, Longmen Caves is identified as the 3 good sculpture treasure houses of China.

Day 7: Luoyang departure

Currently you will leave Luoyang with an unforgettable memory.

For extra info about this splendid Kung Fu tour, or any China tours, please consult with China Connection Tours


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